Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate Mousse

Ingredients for Chocolate Mousse: Bittersweet chocolate finely diced about 200 gm
Unsalted butter diced in cube about 2tbs
Espresso or very strong coffee 2tbs
Cold heavy cream 1 cup
Large eggs : 3
Sugar 1 tbs

Method for Chocolate Mousse:

Whip the cream to soft peaks and refrigerate
Combine the chocolate, butter and espresso in the top of a double boiler over hot, but not simmering, water, stirring every now and then until smooth. Remove from the heat and let it cool but not less than room temperature. Once the melted chocolate cooled slightly, whip the egg whites in a medium bowl until they look fluffy. Sprinkle the sugar and beat until soft peaks form. When the chocolate has reached the proper temperature stir in the yolks. Gently stir in about one third about whipped cream. Fold in half the whites just until incorporated, then fold in the remaining whites and finally the remaining whipped cream. Pipe the mousse into a serving bowl

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